The Sunstone Coven has been an active coven for well over a decade, since 2006. Were first known as The Coven of the Sacred Flame.
We are guided by our Grand High Priest Lord Phoenix and High Priestess Lady SpiritDragon & High Priestress Lady SpiritWolf.

Studies include the basics, religion, philosophy, metaphysics, science and much more as well as meditation, ritual, spellcasting and energy work. Coven members can then take advantage of the Coven’s experts in a variety of subjects and can choose their own specialism as they progress.
In addition to our regular session, we encourage everyone to attend as many Sabbat celebrations as possible. This is where both Coven members and students can work together and begin to build up a relationship that we hope will be sustained for many years to come.
We provide a safe and secure environment for you to learn, a wealth of knowledge and experience for you to draw on while waling your path and a second ‘family’ filled with friendship, laughter and the joy of sister and brotherhood. If you feel we may be able to help you take the next step please contact us for more details.